So, be sure to consider how you intend to play: what is your ultimate goal? For example, according to our Civ 6 Tier List, if you choose an S-Tier leader that specializes in science and religion like Arabia, that doesn’t necessarily mean it is the best Civ if you are going for global domination. Some civilizations excel in certain victory types, so be careful what you choose.

Once you decide which type of victory you want to pursue, you need to choose a proper civilization and a good leader. Due to its significance, it is important that it is considered when ranking the overall ability of Civs. It can help you defend, buy buildings and barter. However, Gold is one of those elements in the game that can substantially boost your path towards any victory type if utilized correctly. So firstly, before you jump up and down screaming how “Gold” is not a victory condition: we know. Civ 6 Tier List S-TierĬiv 6 Tier List: Best Leaders and Civs by Victory Condition Scroll down further to see a breakdown by victory type. Without further ado, see below for the ultimate Civ 6 Tier List where we have ranked 58 leaders and civs in order to see who is the best and worst. Throw in some randomness with each time you start on a new map, and you have a compelling experience every time you hit “Start Game”. This, of course, is not a bad thing: Civilization is notoriously addictive and one of the most re-playable games we’ve ever enjoyed, largely due to its layers of depth and freedom to play your own way. which prompted us to prepare this Civ 6 Tier List. Clearly, different leaders have different strengths and weaknesses, and when you compound other elements of this gameplay (such as which victory condition you are pursuing, or which pantheon you should select), this game becomes all the more complex. As of Gathering Storm (and New Frontier Pass), there are 58 leaders / civs in the game if you take into account all of the expansions.

With so many expansions added, Civilization 6 players can now pick from a long list of civilizations and leaders before starting the game.